Professional Engagements
Moderator, "Local and Regional Multi-stakeholder Approaches for More Effective Inclusion Processes," for the Include-EU conference, Assembly of European Regions and IOM, September 2023, Brussels.
Moderator, "Ukrainian Political and Economic Landscape: Is There a Place for Women?" by Dr. Darina Dvornichenko, Oxford University, United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, Working Group on Business for Peace, December 2022, Online.
Moderator, "EU-MENA Relations in Times of Crisis - How to Ensure Strategic Cooperation with our Southern Partners?" Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS – Germany) Politische Akademie (PolAk - Austria), November 2022, Brussels.
Moderator, "Is it time for an eleventh United Nations Global Compact Peace Principle?" by Dr. Kernaghan Webb, Associate Professor in the Law and Business department at Ted Rogers School of Management - Toronto Metropolitan University and Director of the Institute for the Study of Corporate Social Responsibility at Ryerson University, United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, Working Group on Business for Peace, November 2022, Online.
Moderator, "Taking Stock of Social Enterprise Startup, AfricaTech, on Peace and Development in Sub-Sahara Africa," by Dr. Bruce A. Kibler, from Gannon University, Natalee Stinebiser, and Lucia Kamati, United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, Working Group on Business for Peace, October 2022, Online.
Moderator, "Corporate Responsibility In International Humanitarian Law And How It Can Be translated Into Innovative Business And Management Education – Insights And Tools," by Fauve Kurnadi, Legal Adviser, Australian Red Cross, And Dr. Jonathan Kolieb, Senior Lecturer In Law, RMIT University, United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, May 2022, Online.
Moderator, "The Complex Relationship between Corporations, Conflict Prevention, & Conflict Resolution" by Professor Molly M. Melin, Loyola University Chicago, United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, April 2022, Online.
Moderator, "Getting to "Us": Nudges & Bridges for Peace at Work and Beyond" by Professor Tim Fort, Indiana University, United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, Working group on Business for Peace, February 2022, Online.
Moderator, "Exploring the Intersectionality of Business, Peace, and Human Rights: the Case of Libya," United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, Working Group on Business for Peace, October 2021, Online.
Moderator, "Management and War: How Organizations Navigate Conflict and Build Peace by Dr. Joanne Murphy, Queen's University," United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, Working Group on Business for Peace, April 2021, Online.
Moderator, "Harnessing the Power of Business to Address Poverty," United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, Working Group on Business for Peace, February 2021.
Invited Participant, "Towards a Gender Equal World – The EU Gender Action Plan and the EU's Contribution to Beijing +25," European External Action Service and the German Presidency of the European Union, November 2020, Online.
Invited Participant, "Beyond the End of the Tunnel: EU Peacebuilding After 2020," European Peacebuilding Liaison Office, November 2020, Online.
Moderator, "Testing Innovative Social Impact Measurement by Businesses in Complex Environments," United Nations PRME Business for Peace Working Group, November 2020, Online.
Moderator, "Security and Human Rights Challenges in Complex Environments," United Nations PRME Business for Peace Working Group, DCAF, and ICRC, May 2020, Online.
Invited Participant, "Considering a Viable Economic Future for Syria: The Role of Local, Regional and Global Stakeholders," Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, December 2018, Beirut.
Member, Working Group on "Integration of Refugees: From Humanitarian Crisis to Development Challenge," Averroes Academy, December 2017, Istanbul.
Adviser, "Employment Generation Opportunities for Syrian Refugees in Turkey," Center for International Private Enterprise, October 2017, Istanbul.
Adviser, "Recent Developments in Turkey," German Government Delegation, October 2017, Istanbul.
Member, "Middle East North Africa Business Angel Focus Camp," Konrad Adenauer Stiftung," October 2017, Istanbul.
Member, Working Group on "Rendering Young People More Employable: The Role of the Private Sector," Konrad Adenauer Stiftung/Co-Opinion Network, August 2017, Hammamet, Tunisia.
Moderator and Participant, "Profits for Peace," Hollings Center for International Dialogue, July 2017, Dubai.
Chair, "Addressing the Refugee Crisis: New Ways Forward," Atlantic Council Economic and Energy Summit, Istanbul, April 2017, Istanbul.
Member, Working Group on, "Vulnerability and Inclusion in Developing Countries," Leeds University, November 2016, Leeds.
Member, "United Nations Business for Peace," United Nations Business for Peace Annual Conference, October 2016, Dubai.
Chair, "Insight from Civil Society on the Syrian Humanitarian Crisis," Human Security Conference, October 2016, Istanbul.
Contributor, "Task Force on State-Building in Iraqi Kurdistan," Columbia University, July 2015.
Co-Facilitator for a workshop on "Encouraging Leadership in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Regions," Center for International and European Studies, June 2015, Istanbul.